Young Minds Matter Most
Young Minds Matter Most
We believe in the power of meditation and that it can help even the youngest children to successfully deal with the challenges of everyday life and to tackle problems or difficulties with the necessary calmness and serenity. The valuable skills learned through meditation can contribute to a better, more relaxed and happier life.
Our offer is intended to reach as many children and adolescents as possible and to have a lasting positive influence not only on their lives but also on those of the whole family. In accordance with the Dalai Lama, who said: “If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation”, we are convinced of the positive effects on humanity as a whole.
Through scientific research and our public relations work, we want to improve the awareness about mindfulness for children and bring it into the focus of mainstream society. Especially increasing the awareness of professionals such as teachers, educators and therapists is very important for us. We are convinced that meditation can also or even in particular have an enormously positive effect on children with behavioural problems.
All BuddhaBoo sessions are developed with meditation experts in general and meditation for children in particular. We are focused on children between the ages of six and 14, who naturally have the basic abilities, but who need to be “taken by the hand” in order to learn meditation successfully and later benefit from the acquired skills.
The different exercises cover a wide range and guarantee the degree of variety that children often need in order to dedicate themselves to a cause in the long run and with joy. Whether guided journeys, classical mindfulness lessons or concentration exercises – in our opinion, the right mix is key.
The content, language and length of all sessions are always adapted to the respective age of the children and tailored accordingly. To ensure the practical relevance and to communicate with the child at eye level, there are many topics related to school, friendship, emotions and games.
The fact that the lessons build on each other and that their “companion” Boo will evolve together with them, allows the children to consciously experience their own progress and success. This contributes to the overall goal of long-term engagement.